Lets say, you are building a house (Please start thinking about your dream house which you might have wanted to build or have build already). Now lets start with a land, you will have to buy a land somewhere. Everybody have some choices, specific opinions, lets say some people want their home to be situated in a good colony, some might want it to be far away from city rush. What ever is your choice, tell me would you evaluate the prospect land before buying or after buying? What will happen if you find out after completing your house that the land is not fulfilling your all choices? Either you redo the cycle again (which I am sure most of us here cannot afford to do) or stay with a compromise.
Lesson 1: Please start testing each unit unit of code before you complete your software. DONOT put off testing until completion, as either it will leave you with a compromise or will require you to do the whole cycle again. You choose, for me choice is simple. :)
Now, why unit testing is better. I am sure you will be very familiar with the term unit. You use it quite often in your daily life, its a measurement terminology. For e.g. you buy milk 1 litre/day. Litre is your unit to measure the milk quantity. What is the unit for software? Milk quantity can be measured in terms of Litre, Kilo Litre, may be in ounce or kg. There can be many unit to measure the same product. Same way in software you can use NCSS (Non Commenting Source Code) as your unit or function as your unit. In case of JUnit normally function is treated as one unit and test can be written to test each functions.
Now, lets say you have assigned construction of your house to a vendor (may be due to time shortage). Will you make visits to your house frequently or let the constructor build the complete house and than you will go for inspection. The answer is pretty straight forward, frequent visits will allow you to check the progress made which will result in better control on the construction. That means you can check each "unit" added daily and thus perform better quality control. Same way, if in software construction as well, it will be far easy to write tests for each unit and test it seperately instead of testing software as a bundle (whole).
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